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Mount Zero Olives doubles their bottom line in six months

Before the digital transformation project

  • Mount Zero Olives found themselves outgrowing the inventory management tools included in MYOB
  • Stock tracking was painfully manual, requiring Mount Zero staff to batch their inventory using pen and paper
  • Because of this, inventory management was extremely error-prone, meaning inventory data was untrustworthy and could only be gathered after painstaking efforts
  • Product profitability and sales performance were impossible to work out, and they couldn’t introduce varied pricing, deals, or discounts on a per-customer basis
  • This lack of advanced inventory tracking and insight into product performance hampered Mount Zero’s expansion and scaling efforts

Mount Zero Olives top priorities for the transformation

  • Mount Zero Olives contracted Waypoint to scope out their requirements and suggest a new inventory management and business operations solution
  • The solutions had to be trustworthy, cloud-based, and regularly surface actionable data to enable better pricing margins and scaled growth for Mount Zero
  • After considering Mount Zero’s needs and ambitions, Waypoint suggested Cin7 Core for inventory management and Cin7 Core Systems for accounting and tax compliance

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Mount Zero Olive's story

A new software stack powered by Cin7 Core and Xero, implemented by experts, turned out to be the good oil for Mount Zero Olives

Jane and Neil Seymour purchased one of the oldest olive groves in Australia in 1993, hoping to start a new life and grow a family business. After restoring the dilapidated farm, they brought their son Richard on in 2005 to help manage their brand and expand sales – a smart move, as with his help they were recognised as “Melbourne Food and Wine Legends” just a few years later.
As Mount Zero grew from a family farm to a regional co-packer and distributor, their business outgrew the inventory management tools included in their accounting software, MYOB. After researching a few options, they reached out to Waypoint.
Waypoint recommended switching to Cin7 Core and Xero to better meet their inventory and accounting needs. With Cin7 Core, Mount Zero was able to automate their stock tracking and gain more accurate sales and inventory data in real-time – which they used to double their bottom line in just 18 months.
Nearly a decade later, their son Richard joined the family business as Managing Director to help manage the brand and grow sales.

The problem

With a limited amount of farmland available, rather than focusing on increasing production, Richard chose to focus on vertical expansion: growing their manufacturing and distribution capabilities to include specialty products from across their region. The strategy was a success, leading to plenty of revenue growth and earning Mount Zero recognition as “Melbourne Food and Wine Legends” just a few years later.
But, as they grew from family farm to regional co-packer and distributor, their business outgrew the less-than-adequate inventory management tools available in MYOB, their accounting software at the time.
MYOB’s inventory module was very basic, forcing Mount Zero to batch their inventory with pen and paper.
In addition to a more complete suite of inventory features, Mount Zero needed deeper data insights into its highest and lowest-selling products, which MYOB just couldn’t provide.
They couldn’t work out the profitability of our products or track the performance of their salespeople. MYOB gave them simplistic bespoke prices, and they couldn’t introduce varied pricing for the same product to offer deals and discounts on a per-customer basis.
These pricing restrictions combined with a lack of advanced inventory tracking and almost no insight into product performance seriously hampered Mount Zero’s expansion and scaling efforts.

Waypoint with the solution

After trying and failing to find an adequate solution within MYOB’s suite of products, Mount Zero reached out to Waypoint to scope a new solution.
After considering their needs, Waypoint landed on DEAR Systems – now known as Cin7 Core – for inventory management and Xero for accounting and tax compliance. The combination offered the power of purpose-built software at a much lower cost than an all-in-one solution.

The solution

Mount Zero was glad to find a near-perfect inventory solution for their business, and is especially happy with Cin7 Core’s batch and expiration date tracking abilities that made food safety compliance a breeze. They can now see their production, fulfillment and sales data all within a couple of clicks.
Before Cin7 Core, Mount Zero had no insight into their sales data and couldn’t batch track their products. That’s all changed, seeing an 18% increase in their top-line revenue in the first year with Cin7 Core thanks to the extra insights at their fingertips.
Cin7 Core has made it easy for Mount Zero to identify which products have eroded margins, identify high-volume low-margin products, and increase their sales price by one or two percent to get their figures where they should have been all along. They can now track inventory movements, costs, and margins down to the item level, and surface which customers need sales support.
Mount Zero went from tracking their products manually to tracking them automatically in Cin7 Core’s dashboard. Plus, the extra data Cin7 Core gave them on their business allowed Mount Zero’s net margin to increase by 4% and their bottom line to double within the last 6 months.

The Mount Zero team reckon it’s only been possible thanks to Cin7 Core, Xero – and the expert software implementation by Waypoint.

From pen and paper to fully digital
with Cin7 Core

Results of Mount Zero Olives & Waypoint's partnership

  • Mount Zero Olives say they’ve found a near-perfect inventory solution for their business in Cin7 Core
  • They’ve gone from managing inventory with pen and paper, MYOB and spreadsheets to doing it all digitally in the Cin7 Core dashboard
  • Batch and expiration date tracking abilities have made food safety compliance a breeze
  • Cin7 Core has enabled Mount Zero to identify products with eroded margins, identify high-volume , ow-margin products, and increase their sales price by one or two percent
  • They can now track inventory movements, costs, and margins down to the item level, and surface which customers need sales support
  • The extra data from Cin7 Core has allowed Mount Zero to improve margins by 4 percent and double their bottom line revenue in 6 months
  • They’ve increased their top-line revenue by 18 percent in their first year with Cin7 Core.
  • Mount Zero Olives now have the operational capability, powered by a modern software stack, to help them scale well into the future

Overview of the new
fully-integrated system

Software advantages

  • Cin7 Core
    Connected Inventory Performance automatically creates a real-time picture of everything you make and sell, everywhere you need it – across systems, channels, marketplaces and regions.
  • Xero
    Integrating Cin7 Core with Xero's powerful accounting software allows Mount Zero Olives to automate key financial and inventory operations. The increased efficiency has freed up time and resources to focus on more strategic opportunities, helping the organization grow
  • Cin7 Core POS
    A top-of-the-line retail Point Of Sale system, right inside Cin7 Core for maximum simplicity and ease of operations.
  • Cin7 Core Production Module
    Cin7 Core empowers users to create sales forecasts, automated workflows, and schedule ongoing reports and notifications to key stakeholders.
  • Cin7 Core B2B Portal
    The B2B portal provides one place for buyers to browse customer catalogs, place orders and manage delivery timelines – and frees teams from manual order entry and error resolution.

The major contributors to
project's success

Dan Fairbairn
Dan Fairbairn Implementation Lead, Waypoint

Implementation Lead, Waypoint Dan Fairbairn

  • Setup of Cin7 
  • Liaison with website developers for Mount Zero Olives for custom website integration
  • Go Live Stocktake and accounting balancing

Areas of contribution

  • Setup of Cin7
  • Liaison with website developers for Mount Zero Olives for custom website integration
  • Go Live Stocktake and accounting balancing
Richard Seymour
Richard Seymour GM, Mount Zero Olives

GM, Mount Zero Olives Richard Seymour

  • Overseeing both the business and the technical needs of the business both now and in the future.
  • Project lead at Mt Zero.
  • Worked between Mt Zero’s own staff, outsourced developers and Waypoint implementation lead.

“I have a passion for locally grown, sustainable and delicious produce.”

Areas of contribution

  • Overseeing both the business and the technical needs of the business both now and in the future.
  • Project lead at Mt Zero.
  • Worked between Mt Zero’s own staff, outsourced developers and Waypoint implementation lead.

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