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Let your numbers do the talking.

Your strategy can only ever be as good as your data, and ChannelBoost data is on another level. Need an automated report that segments your best partners by region, or gives you an overview of your open leads? Already done! (You didn’t even need to ask.)

Welcome to the dashboard of your dreams.

Our easy-to-use, modular widgets mean that your custom, comprehensive dashboard is just a few clicks away.

Partner Tracking + Segmentation

Unlock the full potential of your partner program with our engagement and performance dashboard. Gain insights across the lifecycle of your partner, answering questions like: What’s your most active region? Who are the partners that inspire the most retention? And what percentage of partners are certified?

After all, you can’t move the needle if you can’t see it first.

Lead Tracking

Leads are at the core of any partner program, and ChannelBoost delivers organized, integrated lead tracking—no data scientist needed. Our dashboard gives you an instant overview of lead types, status, attributions, wins… all the metrics you need to refine your partner channel strategy. 

It’s true what they say: Metrics make a SaaS go round (or, more accurately, up and to the right.)


ChannelBoost  wants to make your life simpler. How? By adding integrations to bring all your key data into one dashboard. By using our native CRM integration, you’ll see all your people in one place, and gain actionable insights that reflect the full scope of your CRM data.

You can boost your reporting integrity and open fewer tabs? It’s a win-win.

Explore the rest of what ChannelBoost offers

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