Machine learning

Reading Time: < 1 minute Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science that focuses on using data and algorithms to mimic human learning processes and progressively increase accuracy.


Reading Time: < 1 minute MRO stands for maintenance, repair, and operations. The phrase is used to refer to a group of operations and activities involved in maintaining a plant or facility, which can include the upkeep of the facility’s physical infrastructure, its operational systems, and the machinery used to produce the plant’s main commercial output.

Monitor shopping

Reading Time: < 1 minute Users who browse products online without actually purchasing them are said to be “monitor shoppers” or “window shoppers”, and this process is called monitor shopping.

Mobile websites

Reading Time: < 1 minute Mobile websites are special versions of websites designed for viewing on mobile devices.

Merchant account

Reading Time: < 1 minute A merchant account is a type of bank account used to store money from online sales.

Merchandising optimization

Reading Time: < 1 minute Merchandising optimization is a crucial strategy for boosting sales and encouraging customer loyalty. Your turnover will increase if you put the right products in front of your customers and optimize your online catalog.  In the context of ecommerce, this means delivering an exceptional customer experience by ensuring that your website is user-friendly, products are easily […]

Merchandise planning

Reading Time: < 1 minute Merchandise planning is a technique for choosing, managing, buying, stocking, and pricing the products in a way that maximizes returns on investment, adds value to the brand name by meeting consumer needs, and prevents the production of excess inventory. Additionally, merchandise planning aims to provide the right product in the right quantity, at the right […]


Reading Time: < 1 minute Merchandising is the process of displaying and marketing goods in an appealing manner for sale.


Reading Time: < 1 minute A person or company that produces goods in bulk for sale in the market is called a manufacturer. 

Magento connect

Reading Time: < 1 minute Magento Connect is an online marketplace to find free and premium extensions for customizing and enhancing e-commerce stores.


Reading Time: < 1 minute Magento is a flexible and scalable open-source platform and marketplace for developers to create eCommerce websites. Magento is now called Adobe Commerce. 


Reading Time: < 1 minute Making products in response to consumer demand is known as “make-to-stock” production. Analysis of previous sales data and demand forecasting are used to determine consumer demand for products. Make-to-stock, also referred to as build-to-stock, is connected to the mass production methods used during the Industrial Revolution, when a great deal of merchandise was produced. 

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